Adam Weinstock, The Center for Professional Learning & Curriculum Support

Adam Weinstock, Assistant Director

Grateful for the learning communities in his own life, Adam Weinstock has long sought to nurture educational spaces that support and encourage all students, seeking to connect purpose and process. With a commitment to equity, relationships, and responsive practices, he strives to foster conditions for all to grow and thrive, including fellow educators. Weinstock’s experience in education includes teaching at, and helping lead, community-based middle schools in NYC. He has collaborated with dozens of schools to advance whole school improvement efforts, and worked at the district level to further the coherence and responsiveness of ELA/literacy and Social Studies curriculum, instruction, and assessment in grades K-12. From classroom teaching to instructional coaching to school and district administration, Weinstock prioritizes collaboration, meaningful learning experiences, inclusive representation, social-emotional learning, restorative practices, literacy development, and building on strengths. He received a Bachelor’s in Public Policy and teaching degree from Brown University, a Master’s in Educational Leadership from Baruch College as part of the NYCDOE Leadership in Education Apprenticeship Program (LEAP), and more recently completed Bank Street College’s School District Leadership Certification Program.